O Ideário Patrimonial
“O Ideário Patrimonial” belongs to the general theme: GD 7 - Interdisciplinary (Social Sciences - Interdisciplinary, History, and Philosophy of Science).
“O Ideário Patrimonial” is a digital Semester Series Publication. It is edited by the Center of Archaeologies (former Prehistory Center; former Transdisciplinary Center of Archaeologies), of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Portugal).
It aims at providing a multidisciplinary and cross-information space of Sciences and other areas applied to Heritage as Art History, Heritage Management, Conservation and Restoration of Heritage, Museum Studies, Heritage Didactics, Land Planning, Communication, and Tourism.
It is intended that the content would be free access, allowing researchers to have available information, thus increasing the exchange of Knowledge.
The publication meets the quality requirements established for scientific journals in digital format.
“O Ideário Patrimonial” accepts original and unpublished contributions in the areas of Art History, Heritage Management, Heritage Conservation, and Restoration, Museology, Heritage Didactics, Territorial Planning, Social Communication, Tourism and other related areas applied to Heritage.
The deadline for papers' acceptance to be blind refereed is:
May 30th for the number of July.
October 30th for the one of December.
We accept articles written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. Bilingual articles that are written in other languages, but with proper translation into English, are also accepted.
Maintains the quality requirements established for scientific journals.
The articles will be reviewed by researchers belonging to the Reading Committee (blind peer review) and/or others external researchers according to the topics submitted, as well as the Editorial Board.
This journal is intended to be a free open-access publication in order to enhance the exchange of knowledge and information in these areas.
It's composed by:
1. Semestre Periodical Publication;
2. Monographic Serie.
It is officially registered in the Portuguese National Library under the number ISSN 2183-1394
It is officially registered with INPI and annotated in ERC.
For more information see O Ideário Patrimonial's Guidelines and Layout Design Rules
Directory of Online Regional Information Service for Scientific Journals at Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
folio nº 23591
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
7 . dezembro . 2016
6-12Introdução. O Mosteiro da Batalha e o(s) seu(s) Território(s)
Joaquim Ruivo
13-24Do Património Natural aos Patrimónios Culturais – A Singularidade do Cársico Estremenho
Nuno Carvalho e Mário Oliveira
44-56Património industrial dos antigos coutos de Alcobaça
António Valério Maduro
57-65Os Administradores da Fábrica do Juncal e a Real Casa da Nazaré
Maria Filomena Costa Coelho da Silva Martins
67-77Caixa Geral de Depósitos. Os Depósitos Públicos e o aparecimento da Junta do Crédito Público
Joaquim Pombo Gonçalves e Helena Real Gomes
78-102Territórios Culturais: Sagrado e Profano na Feira de São Cristóvão no Rio de Janeiro e suas Relações com a Cidade, o Turismo e o Patrimônio Cultural
Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo
103-113Paisagem Cultural: Caminhos e Possibilidades da Educação Patrimonial como Experiência Interdisciplinar
Lauro César Figueiredo e Marta Rosa Borin
114-130Rio de Janeiro – Lisboa, um Programa de Estudos sobre Imagética: 10 anos de cooperação pedagógica e cientÃfica entre Universidades
Maria Leonor GarcÃa da Cruz